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On May 14, 2023, I was mentioned in the New York Times Newspaper regarding the Tom Bishop Chicago International Miniature Show: "Beth Pothen, 42  who runs Mountain Creek Miniatures and is a full-time postal worker, is a second generation miniaturist, making items like goth furniture and Christmas cookie trays (she got her start at a Girl Scouts craft fair).  She drove from Spokane, WA, for the convention and hoped to recoup the cost of travel and labor, and then some, she said."


On November 26th, 2023, the Spokesman Review newspaper had a long article in the Northwest section about me:

"When Beth Pothen bakes for the holidays, she decorates with the tiniest of details, making shapes and cutouts with icing, swirls and sprinkles, Bells, Santa hats or rounds go into the oven – but they’re nonedible treats from clay – sized for 1/2-by-1-inch cookie sheets.

The Greenacres resident crafts these replicas and other handmade miniatures she sells at shows and online.

Her customers are called miniature enthusiasts, buying Pothen’s tiny chocolate bars, wizard tools or vegetables for dollhouses or one-room themed boxes, which mimic rooms in a home, a special setting from tales like “Harry Potter” or a business.

“It’s a lot of fun, and it’s relaxing,” Pothen said. “If I make large quantities of one item, then it can be tedious. Other than that, it’s fun.

“People’s reaction is one of the best things. People say, ‘I love your stuff. You’re so talented. They’re so tiny.’ ”

(the article continued onto a second page and had two color photos, including the photo below)












My miniature Fancy Christmas Cookies, Fancy Iced Christmas Cookies and Christmas Cupcakes on Pedestal were featured in Dollhouse Miniatures Magazine in January 2024.


In the July/August 2024 addition of The Miniature Gazette, there was a 1-page article about me:

The love of miniatures for Beth Pothen, creator of Mountain Creek Miniatures located in Spokane Valley, Washington, started when she was 12 and her mother built her a dollhouse.  After Beth completed the dollhouse’s interior, her Nana made floral trees, bushes, hanging baskets and fountains and Beth made a vegetable garden and picnic table with food for the exterior. 


While attending the University of Montana, Beth sold some of her miniatures at a Girl Scout Craft show and the Montana State Day, and she was hooked for life. She expanded her creations to include holiday, fairy, food, bed and bath and wizard items.


Beth enjoys the creativity that is needed to make miniatures and the comradery with miniature club friends and miniature vendors.  Beth also loves to see customers’ reaction to her miniatures and to hear their compliments, such as “I love your items; You’re my favorite table; You are so talented….”


In 2023, Beth’s dream of being a vendor at the Tom Bishop Chicago International Miniature Show was realized.  She drove her packed SUV with her husband and toddler children from Washington to Minnesota.  Beth dropped them off with family and continued to Chicago.  Beth’s mother flew up from Florida, and they worked the Tom Bishop Show together.  It was an amazing three days that resulted in exceeding her sales goal and being interviewed by the New York Times for a May 14, 2023 article.


Beth was also interviewed and photographed by the Spokesman Review newspaper that resulted in a 1.5-page article published on November 26th, 2023.  It caused her website,, to have high traffic, a co-worker requesting her autograph, and a tsunami of emails from miniature club friends.  In addition to the Chicago show, Mountain Creek Miniatures had tables in the Ann Arbor, Lakeland, Minneapolis, Seattle, San Jose and Spokane shows. 


Over the years, Beth met many great miniature enthusiasts and, unfortunately, has dealt with the loss of some who passed too early.  She hopes that more young people will get involved with the hobby so her love of sharing her miniatures continues into her 80’s.

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